Thursday, November 17, 2016


Discovering the scientific customs of India

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Coming to India, you can be drawn henna, the motifs that not only help you with mysterious beauty and especially, but also help to prevent the headaches.

Tilak, red lipstick mark on forehead

Since ancient times, on the forehead, between the eyebrows is considered an important nerve point in the human body. The Tilaks is thought as to prevent the loss of "power"; it is located between the eyebrows to keep the energy in the human body and control the different levels of concentration. The red dot on the forehead will also impact forces on many points on the area between the eyebrows and the chakra (also called Adnya-chakra, the concentrated mental energy area of the body), creating favorable condition for supplying blood to the muscles of the face.

When you watch the Indian dramas, surely you also see that most women in this country have a red dot on the forehead; this is not something strange, and not only do actors have, that 100 % new born girls were put red lipstick mark tilak on the forehead.

The girls are tattooed the red lipstick mark Tilak on his forehead​

Why Indian women wear the ring on toes

Wearing a ring on the toe not only represents that women are married but also has scientific meaning behind it. Usually, the ring is worn on the second toe, which has a special nerve connecting to the uterus and heart. Wearing the ring on this toe helps the uterus be healthy by regulating blood flow and the menstrual cycle will be steadily. In addition, silver is a good material; silver rings absorb energy from the earth and transferred to the body.

Drawing Mehndi, Henna on the hands and feet

Henna is a type of tattoo drawn directly onto the body, especially the palms of the brides preparing to go to her husband's house. Groom's name will be written stylishly with very small size on the palm of the bride and the groom will have to find his name behind the fragrant herb drawings, a good omen helping their love be sublimate and lasting. However, the wedding also brought many emotions, excitement mixed with nervousness and a little bit stressful for the bride and groom. These feelings can bring a headache or a mild fever. In addition to the colorful drawings, henna can help to relax because this herb works to cool the body and keep the nerves are not under stress. This is also the reason why henna is painted on hands and feet, the convergence area of the nerves running along the body.

The Hindus Indian piercing ears

Piercing ears and then towing a ring of jewelry down to nose has a great importance in India culture. The Indian doctors and philosophers believed that piercing ears helps for the development of the intellect, the power of thinking and decision-making ability. Habit of say much makes the lose energy in life; wearing earrings will help children know the autonomy in voices, limit disrespectful behavior, as well as protect the ear conduit from functional disorders. Even Westerners are also attracted by this idea and they consider earrings as a dish fashion beautifying for the ears.

A girl pierced ears​

Clasping hands close together to salute

In Hindu culture, people greet each other by clasping his hands close together called "Namaskar". Common reason behind this tradition is to show respect. However, according to scientists, the fingertips correspond to the acupuncture points of the eyes, ears and mind. Clasping his hands together, ensuring all fingers touching each other is said to activate the acupuncture points to help remember who we greeted in a long time. Another point is that when greeting, we do not touch each other, and do not transmit any bacteria because there is no physical contact.

No turning the head to the north when sleeping

In spiritual perspective, it is the act inviting the devil or death, but in term of science, the human body has its own magnetic field and the Earth is a giant magnet. When we sleep with the head that points north, the magnetic field of the body becomes totally asymmetrical with Earth's magnetic field. That is the cause of the problems related to blood pressure and heart need to work harder to overcome this asymmetry. Another reason is our body has substantial amount of iron in the blood, while we sleep in this position, the iron from whole body begins to accumulate in the brain, which can cause headache, Alzheimer's disease, cognitive impairment, Parkinson's disease and degenerative brain diseases.

Hanging bell in old temple

Those who visited the temple should and will ring the bell before entering the main hall, where worships the important gods. According to the god Agama Sastra, the sound of bell dispels evil and pleases God. However, according to scientific explanation, bell sound helps to purify the soul, makes our mind be clear and absolutely toward kindness. The bells were made in a special way that when they make sounds, this sound will create a unity of the left and right brain. The moment we rang the bell, it will produce a sharp chime, echoing and lasts at least 7 seconds, enough to trigger 7 nerve groups treating in the body, as well as helpd brain avoid from negative thoughts.

Sitting to eat on the floor

This tradition is not just sitting on the floor and eating, but it also involves posture "Sukhasana". Sukhasana posture is the asana that we usually start the Yoga asanas. When you sit on the floor, you would sit cross-legged - "sukhasana" or "semi-padmasana" (semi-lotus flower), which is the position that immediately brings a sense of calm and supports to digestion. This action automatically triggers the signals to your brain to prepare for the digestion of stomach.

All the customs and culture of the Indian are scientifically proven very good for your health and do not follow the trend of superstition, if you like a certain tradition of them, learn more about and do it