Monday, February 29, 2016


Little India, an exciting visit location in Singapore

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According to Skyscanner Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple, the Arcade Little India, Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple, Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple, and so on are the destinations you should not ignore when visiting Little India.

Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple

Located in the center of Little India on Serangoon Road, Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple is one of the oldest temples in Singapore. The temple was constructed by workers in 1855 and it worships goddess Kali - Goddess of Strength. During World War II, when the attacks took place in the air, there were many people resided in this temple. The temple and the civilians hiding inside it have escaped from the intense bombings.

 Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple, Singapore's oldest temple​

In the 80s of the 20th century, the temple was restored; it was added another unique tower including 8 main domes and many other small domes; this has made the temple became one of the most magnificent spectacle place in Singapore.

Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple

Also located on Serangoon Road, Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple is a typical work of temple architecture of the south Indian, characterized by pyramid-shaped pylon. In particular, this is also the origin place of the festival "mortification" Thaipusam every year. At the festival, there are many activities of entertainment; they are the scary and creepy mortification monitor; inwhich the participants seem to no longer feel the pain. They skewer the sharp objects into the body, using iron hooks to hook into the flesh, walking on nails and countless other forms of mortification.

Sri Srinivasa Perumal Temple

Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple

This is one of the most notably Buddhist worshiping temples in Singapore visited by many people, Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple is often known for name "temple of 1,000 bulbs." It was built in 1927 by a Thai monk named Vutthisara; visitors will recognize the powerful influence of Thailand in the style of architecture and decoration of the temple. Step on it, you'll notice immediately to the majestically statue of Buddha as high to 15m, surrounded by a series of seemingly endless long lamp.

Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple

This place also has many shopping malls and the streets with Indian-style architecture: Mustafa Centre, Serangoon street, Tekka market ..., you should prepare for a visit during staying here to explore all the beauty of Little India, a interesting visit location of Singapore.